Sunday, 14 May 2023

Colin Fry, An Amazing Friend, Teacher and Fellow UK Medium

The reverend Colin Fry has helped countless people finding peace and inspiration during the darkest and most challenging times of their lives, whilst he was still in the physical world. 

Janet and John Copestake are very proud of having had Colin as a mentor and friend. They describe Colin as a remarkable human being that did so much for this world, and he deserves to be remembered as an example of determination, courage, resilience and honesty. 

This couple met him in Gloucester after his demonstration at the Leisure Centre in 2005, and this moment changed their lives forever, as Colin invited them both to develop as mediums in his Swedish spiritual school. 

Attending Ramsbergsgarden Spiritual School in Sweden was a blessing for both Janet and John, as they were able to pursue the development of their mediumistic gifts over a period of five years, which lead to them being fully certificated as mediums with Colin Fry and Jane Lyzell as their main mentors and teachers. 

Colin Fry was an amazing person and he is dearly missed.