
Healing always comes from vibrations. There are indivisible energy waves that connect both worlds and these healing vibrations are conducted through it from spirit to the medium and through the medium to the client that is receiving healing. 

Janet and John are always pushing themselves to improve their performance, so they can both be at their very best each and every time they are called upon to be of service. They are solely the instruments for spirit to work with.

These mediums have helped many people with arthritis, neck and back pains, shoulder injuries, bad circulation amongst other problems. 
Healing is complimentary to modern medicine treatments.

Because of their full high standard certification from Ramsbergsgården Spiritual School in Sweden, they are certificated and fully qualified healers.

Spiritual Healing is carried out professionally either by Janet, John or both. Many people have had amazing results after receiving healing from them.

Don't feel tired all the time. They have helped many people like yourself to overcome Depression, Tiredness and Stress. Healing is the answer you have been looking for. In many instances it is said to be a successful solution and helps to dramatically improve people's situation. So what are you waiting for? 
Please book it by e-mailing them at janetandjohncopestake@gmail.com or dial 07580 957 437. 

Both Janet and John Copestake enjoy giving their time and sharing their gifts with those who seek comfort and healing. Those who have benefited after receiving healing from Janet and John have very kindly offered and submitted testimonials, for this both Janet and John are very grateful. Very often also many of those who have received healing from them both do come back for more guidance and healing, having found the healing they received to be very helpful.

Having feedback after administering healing is overwhelming and emotional for both Janet and John, knowing it has made a big difference, to not only the person receiving healing, but also in the understanding and knowledge that they have helped their families also.

They are often asked to send Absent Spiritual Healing. Absent healing is free for all who require it. Please send us an e-mail to janetandjohncopestake@gmail.com and they will gladly add your name to our List. Absent Spiritual Healing is truly universal and is a benefit to all.

Healing Haven Session
Note: Click on the thumbnails for zoom

Video - Healing: What It Can Do For You
duration: 1 minute and 1 second

Note: To obtain zoom, please double click on the video.