Friday 22 September 2017

Life Phases, Grieving Process and What Makes A Difference

When we lose someone close to us we can feel lost and alone. During the grieving process we seem to go into automatic pilot mode, making the necessary arrangements, tying up loose ends, and finalising details.

Some people say they can’t cope and wonder where they get their strength from. Grief is a process that we all go through upon the loss of a loved one, we lose sleep and we can’t make sense of things. 

Grief isn’t something that has a time frame on, it isn’t as though we wake up one morning and that sadness has passed. Time is needed, even when we lose a pet, our pets are also our family members bringing unconditional love and companionship.

Some people may visit a bereavement councillor. Some people may contact a medium. Some people may not want to talk to anybody. We are all different, we all have different personality traits and that is what makes the human race unique. For if we were all the same what a boring world this would be.

In life people can be outgoing and gregarious, some people are shy and introverted. Some people can literally talk for ‘England’, some are quiet and think things through before they speak. So when our loved ones come through they come through with their personalities, they want to let us know that they are okay, that they have been reunited with their loved ones and friends and that life lives on in another dimension.

We have heard people say that they have visited mediums and clairvoyants and their loved ones have never come through. Then others visit mediums and clairvoyants frequently and their loved ones come through all the time. This can happen sometimes when a medium cannot make a connection, however it is always best for the medium to be honest and to say to the sitter that unfortunately they have been unable to connect.

Very often our loved ones make a connection directly to their friend or family member, such as dream visitation, or they send signs that they are close by. Grief is a natural process, there will be many tears and feelings of disbelief. 

Move through the grieving process at your own pace, play some music and maybe watch a film. Go for a walk, get out and about, take up that offer of a cup of tea and a chat.
Always know that your loved ones are just a thought away.