Saturday, 8 February 2025

Thought Of The Day - Magical Moments

There are things in life that we sometimes take for granted, like a moment of peace and quiet on a Sunday morning, or the embrace of a loved one, for example.

Never let these magical moments pass you by, as they make us feel hopeful and reenergised afterwards. 

Our corporeal life is supposed to be enjoyed to the fullest as it is ephemeral as we all know, so please make the most of every minute of each magical moment you get to experience in this lifetime. 

Love and light, 
Janet and John Copestake


Saturday, 1 February 2025

Book Your Reading Today

If you would like to book your reading please do not hesitate to contact us on 07580 957 437 or send an email to

We will be looking forward to hearing from you. 

Love and light,
Janet and John 

Friday, 24 January 2025

Thought Of The Day

"We are all prone to having lower moments in our daily lives, but it's up to us to stop the nuisance from damping our hopes and aspirations, by taking positive steps every single day to be better and do better. 

Positivity has an amazing influence in your health in general, and brings about a lot happiness our way.  

Never allow past experiences to stop you from taking on a new adventure."

Janet and John Copestake


Friday, 3 January 2025

New Year, New Life - Message from Janet and John Copestake

We'd like to welcome you into 2025.

May this year bring everyone plenty of reasons to be happy, to achieve amazing things, and to do better than last year. 

A new chapter started on the 1st of January 2025, and we all have to turn the page now. 

Let's embrace this new beginning, and the amount of things that we can do make it remarkable. 

Keep your chin up, and believe in yourself with all your might. 

Love and light, 
Janet and John Copestake

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Happy New Year Message from Janet and John Copestake

2024 has been a different year in a lot of aspects to say the least, but things will improve when the time is right.

May your New Year be blessed with peace, love and joy. We are sending you our heartfelt wishes with joy that never ends. 2025 is a new chance to smile and achieve your goals. Happy New Year!

Thursday, 19 December 2024

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

This is the season of spreading love and joy to all those you meet. Make the most of Yuletide! This Christmas, may you and your family be blessed by God.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Thursday, 19 September 2024

A Bit Of Inspiration For All Of Us - Thoughts Of The Day

Thoughts Of The Day
The veil between what is right and acceptable, and what is morally unacceptable and considered evil, is getting thinner by the second, as humanity's actions will lead to the corresponding consequences in the near future.

Our thoughts are meant to drive our days, and to keep us going no matter from which walk of life we hail from.

We have free will to make our choices, and unfortunately we do not know the worth of free will as our miscalculated actions speak for themselves.
The spirit world fights against such actions every single day, and it's not an easy fight. Lots of work goes into it, by sending workers from the spiritual planes to inspire us with goodness, love and humility, but at the end of the day, our free will also be making an appearance, as the window of opportunity allows it to play a role in decision making. 

We should not be tearing each other apart with words, weapons and anger, we should be trying our hardest to be beacons of light and kindness to all the people we come across during our lifetime. 

Instead of starting a conflict, we should be trying to find ways to avoid it, and to adopt a peaceful alternative as the resolution for it. 

Let's allow the world to be filled with light, love, kindness, humility. in order for us to attain that peaceful and inspirational prosperity we all need. 

Pray for peace and kindness. We are in great need of it right now. 

Lots of love from both us,
Janet and John Copestake

Sunday, 25 August 2024

Remembering the great Reverend Colin Fry

In 2015 Colin Fry passed to the world of spirit, he was a true ambassador for mediumship worldwide and he left a legacy of such good work and has helped thousands of people across the globe gain a better understanding of mediumship and connections with our loved ones on the other side of life.

There have been many pioneers in the spiritualist movement and Colin Fry has joined that very prestigious line. Janet and John always stress mediumship isn’t a cure for grief, neither should the development of a medium be considered a quick fix, for development and learning are always ongoing.

We want to say thank you to the Reverend Colin Fry for all the love, support and encouragement.

John Copestake Colin Fry Janet Copestake

Saturday, 13 July 2024

Our Mission As Mediums

We have been blessed with a lovely gift that enables us to help the many that have come to us.

Our aim is to make a difference in people’s lives, to be able to reach out to people by vocalising healing words. John and I want to help, to give hope where it is needed, confidence, comfort and most of all love to all those in need of guidance and inspiration.

We hope that we can show you the light of hope and encouragement. To give you the lift you need when you feel as if the world is against you. Sometimes we can all get caught up in life and its troubles, and we very often wonder who we can turn to during difficult times.

Whenever possible take some time out to listen to some music, read a book, take a walk in the countryside or do anything that makes you feel good. That will help you to appreciate simple and enjoyable moments. If possible, share some of these moments with your loved ones.

Wednesday, 26 June 2024

The Paradise Lost Notion and The Renovated Hope for Humanity

In this day and age, we see things unfold before our own eyes, and we still don't believe what we're witnessing.
That's the silent gaslighting effect that society instils into you, that numbs you in relation to what is really happening everyday in our cities, villages, countries, and in the planet for that matter.

It's time to open our eyes to the reality we're all facing. 

Usual social patterns are often a sign of complacent behaviour from the people that elect local and national representatives. 

We all have a voice, which needs to be heard. 

Our need to express our feelings, ideas and concerns should be regarded as an opportunity to expose what is wrong and obsolete in our societies.

The human mind seems to be filled with misconceptions of what fulfilment is all about, and what the sacrifices for the greater good really are. It should not be just about getting paid at the end of each month, but about doing everything we can to make things better in this world. 

It's imperative for all of us to accept the fact, that our thoughts often lead to consequences that we could have not foreseen. Speaking out should be about telling the truth without hindering other people's perspectives and feelings. 

Social justice is crucial for peace to become a reality. 

We should all embrace the fact that loving each another is needed now more than ever before. 

Without respect, tolerance, justice, love, equality and acceptance, our world cannot evolve to become a place where we all prosper based in humility and love for one another. 

Saturday, 4 May 2024

Quote Of The Day

“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” by St. Francis of Assisi

Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Ramsbergsgarden - What It Means For Janet and John

Attending Ramsbergsgarden Spiritual School in Sweden was a blessing for both Janet and John, as they were able to pursue the development of their mediumistic gifts over a period of five years, which lead to them being fully certificated as mediums with Colin Fry and Jane Lyzell as their main mentors and teachers.

Ramsbergsgården Spiritual School was rebranded as LYZTRAN. Please click HERE to access their website to have access to information about courses, accommodation, etc.