Tuesday 19 April 2022

The Mediumship Of Janet and John Copestake

Mediumship is one of the greatest gifts of mankind and can't be regarded as fortune telling. It is all about working for the greater good and help people moving on with their lives in the earthly plane. Mediums are the channel through which the spirits of our loved ones communicate to spread words of comfort. The word medium in a literal sense means messenger and channel.

This couple tours the UK carrying out Divine Services and public demonstrations throughout the year, amazing the believers and opening the minds of the doubtful, bringing peace into their lives.

Janet and John Copestake have been working together for many years now and their development and thirst to acquire more knowledge has lead them into a path of achievement, when in July 2010 they were both awarded a Full Standard Certificate in several fields of Mediumship from a College in Sweden under the tuition of Colin Fry and Jane Lyzell.

These mediums strive to put across the messages from the spirit world the best way possible and the reaction to this effort is amazing, a lot of people express their admiration for the work they do and keep spreading the word about them.

“There is more to these two mediums than meets the eye. People often come across various mediums throughout their lives, but Janet and John are acclaimed as deliverers of truth from the spirit world and that their accuracy is absolutely incredible.” by A. Stokes

They do private and group readings as well as demonstrations in theatres, halls, hotels and restaurants. Feel free to contact them, for they will be looking forward to hearing from you.

For more information about them and which services they offer, please refer to the What They Have To Offer section of this website. Also, if you wish to contact them, please click here.