Sunday 4 May 2014

Watch This Space

There is more to these two mediums than meets the eye. The people that book readings or attend clairvoyant demonstrations are really impressed with the amazing gifts they both possess and how they use these gifts to improve people's lives. Janet and John Copestake love working for the spirit world and knowing that they made a difference makes them feel on top of the world. 

There will be exciting things coming up for this couple, so please stay tuned to their Official Blog. There are still slots available for you to book your readings, so please dial 07580 957 437 or send them an e-mail to and they will answer you shortly.

Equip yourself with the most special memories of your loves and come along to see Janet and John Copestake with an open mind. They will tell you what to expect and you will feel at ease whilst receiving the messages from your loved ones.