Monday 26 May 2014

Spiritual Equality

How often do we hear stories on the news and read reports in the newspapers of discrimination and inequality to our fellow man. Imagine for a moment if you will that the barriers of discrimination and inequality didn’t exist, imagine that each and every day we could live our lives in peace and harmony with our fellow man regardless of the colour of their skin, their religious beliefs or whether they are gay or straight.

In these modern times do we live our lives in fear? Rather than extend a hand of friendship to others, do we hold back and withdraw into an insular world where we think we feel safe? How many of you remember your childhood where your Grandparents had their house key on a piece of string inside their front door? Do you remember that your family members used to know everyone who lived on the same street as themselves?

As the years progress we have made many steps forward, but have we also maybe lost our way a little bit? In these days of the internet at a click of a button we can connect with people from far across the globe. 

We are in the age of 24 hour news and the technical age is all around us. Technology can impress us with computers, TV’s, tablets and much more, but imagine if you will a simpler time when we all looked out for each other.

Let us all take time to be kind to ourselves and each other. The beauty of nature is blossoming and flourishing all around us. Enjoy each and every day, let us all be open minded and embrace each other, let us look beyond the things we feel divide us and embrace the things that unite us.