Saturday 31 May 2014

Benefit and Enrich Yourself with Messages and Healing from Spirit

Janet and John Copestake both feel that their dedication and commitment to helping others is paramount. People often say they can see how passionate we are of our spiritual work together. They say it is very unique to have two mediums working together and who are also husband and wife. 

This couple really puts a lot of effort do deliver the best services by sharing their gifts with as many people as possible, so you do benefit from all their endeavours as they work bearing the truth and purity that comes through from the spirit world. 

People often say that what they relay during a session is out of this world and ask them "How do you do that?" and they just answer "We work very closely with our spirit friends and that's how the accuracy shines through." 

These mediums will always strive to be the best channels and you will be pleased with their services. Please click HERE to have access to the list of services they offer.